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Shopping at a plant nursery can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. But there are some tips that will help you make the most of your visit. Here are some helpful tips for visiting a plant nursery like a pro, plus tips on how to pick plants for your home.

Shopping Tips:

  • Get familiar with the types of plants available. Before you visit the nursery, do some research online to find out what types of plants are available. This will help you narrow down your choices and make choosing easier when you’re at the nursery. Tip: Take a moment to observe the plants in your surroundings that have been planted and are thriving.Plants we love
  • Visit the nursery with a plan. Go into the nursery knowing what plants you want, and how much you are willing to spend. This will help save time, money, and prevent impulse purchases that may not fit in your home’s landscaping. Tip: Make sure to account for soil amendments when budgeting.
  • Before you visit a nursery, it's a good idea to research the nurseries in your area. Find out if they specialize in propagation, retail, succulents, or other types of plants like native species or cover crops. This will help you make an informed choice and find the nursery that best suits your needs.
  • Have an idea of how much light your plants need, so that you can choose the right spot in your home for each one. Different plants require a different amount of sunlight and shade.
  • What are your goals for your plant purchase? Are you looking to create a beautiful garden on your back porch or perhaps an herb garden? Maybe you're considering planting a row of fragrant lilacs or a couple of plum trees?
  • Weekdays are your allies, offering you time and reducing stress. On the other hand, weekends can be overwhelmingly busy, resulting in limited availability for getting answers to your questions and enduring long queues.
  • Don't rush! Plant nurseries are a delightful place to unwind and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Surrounded by baby plants, vibrant colors, and the earthy scent of damp soil, it truly feels like spring has arrived. However, if you are in a hurry, you won't fully appreciate the experience. These nurseries offer a wide variety of unique and fascinating plants, spread out across vast farms. Take the time to explore, discover new plants, and find exactly what you're looking for. Enjoy the journey, and let the wonders of nature captivate you.
  • Look for healthy plants. When shopping for plants, look for specimens that have healthy leaves and stems with no signs of disease or insect damage. Choose plants that have the potting soil still attached.
  • Be sure to check for pests. Before purchasing a plant, be sure to do a thorough inspection of the leaves and stems for any signs of pest infestation or eggs. If you see anything questionable, avoid purchasing it!
  • Opt for buds instead of blooms! When tending to your garden, choose plants with vibrant buds rather than fully bloomed flowers. These budding plants are more resilient and less susceptible to the stress of replanting. With proper care, they will flourish and bloom beautifully in your home.


  • When selecting a healthy plant with promising buds, it's important to check its roots. Sometimes, starter plants can be root-bound, which can have detrimental effects. As the roots overpower the container, there is less space for soil and water retention, ultimately leading to the death of the roots and the plant itself. Additionally, this can also stunt the growth of your plant. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that the roots are in good condition when choosing a starter plant.
  • If you arrive home and find that your plants are root-bound, don't despair. Use a knife or even your hands to gently loosen the roots before planting. Once in the ground, water them thoroughly and give them a little extra care as the roots reestablish themselves.
  • Bring pictures of your space. It's helpful to bring along photos or drawings of the space you want to fill with plants, to help visualize how they will look and fit. Additionally, consider the dimensions of the space that you need to fill.
  • Ask questions. Don’t be shy! Ask the staff at the nursery questions about specific plants or care instructions. Most nurseries are happy to answer all of your questions and give helpful advice. Tip Wondering what questions to ask about your plants? Inquire about their sunlight needs, soil requirements, watering preferences, the space they will need and if they are resistant to pests.
  • Furthermore, each plant is accompanied by a tag that contains all the vital details regarding the plant and its care instructions.

  • Ensure to inquire about the quantity of soil required and the specific fertilizers needed for your plant
  • Learning how to take care of your plants can sometimes be overwhelming.

  • Not to worry! There are plenty of helpful resources available that outline plant care techniques and provide tips on pruning, fertilizing, disease prevention, and other topics that are important for successful gardening. For example, Fleur du Bien offers an innovative garden tool set designed to make gardening easier and more enjoyable.

  • Fleur Du Bien Garden tool set with tote bag

    Finally, don't forget that plants need love and care just like any other living thing! Make sure to spend time with your plants; talk to them, give them a drink when they're thirsty, and take time to appreciate their beauty. Your plants will thank you!

    And remember – no matter how big or small your gardening goals are, have fun and enjoy the process of creating something beautiful. Gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature and bring peace and serenity into your life. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to boost creativity and learn something new every day. Happy gardening!


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